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5 drinks that help improve blood circulation

5 drinks that help improve blood circulation

Poor blood circulation is caused by aging. High stress and eating too much fat or sugar that results in inflammation of the blood vessels There is a blockage of fat in the arteries. Until the blood vessels narrow and result in poor blood circulation. which

How important is a health check before running?

How important is a health check before running?

Exercise by running It is considered one of the sports that is becoming more and more popular. Because there are no limitations in terms of location. Just have the right running shoes and you can exercise. But if you think about running seriously to compete

Checklist: What should be checked for "health check"?

Checklist: What should be checked for “health check”?

Good health starts with knowing our physical condition first and whether there should be anything that needs urgent treatment before it’s too late. Therefore, we will know only after undergoing a physical examination with the medical team. But what should we check for in a physical